BuildMachineOSBuild 22D49 CFBundleDevelopmentRegion English CFBundleDisplayName Flat Bezel Interface CFBundleExecutable Flat Bezel CFBundleIdentifier pizza.unlimited.Flat-Bezel CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion 6.0 CFBundleName Flat Bezel Interface CFBundlePackageType BNDL CFBundleShortVersionString 1.0.0 CFBundleSupportedPlatforms MacOSX CFBundleVersion 10 DTCompiler DTPlatformBuild 14C18 DTPlatformName macosx DTPlatformVersion 13.1 DTSDKBuild 22C55 DTSDKName macosx13.1 DTXcode 1420 DTXcodeBuild 14C18 LSMinimumSystemVersion 12.0 QSPlugIn author Ruben Beltran del Rio categories Interfaces description A new take on the Bezel Interface, using a flatter look. extendedDescription <h2>Flat Bezel Interface</h2> <p>A new take on the Bezel Interface, using a flatter look.</p> <h3>Colors</h3> <p>Both light mode and dark mode are supported by this plugin. Choose your color preferences by enabling the Flat Bezel interface in the Appearance preferences, and then clicking the 'Customize' button.</p> <h3>Credits</h3> This plugin was created by Ruben Beltran del Río, building on top of the Yosemite interface that was originally built by Mikkel Malmberg (<a href="">@mikker</a>), and updated by the Patrick Robertson and the Quicksilver Development Team. QSRegistration QSCommandInterfaceControllers Flat Bezel BBFlatBezelInterface QSPreferencePanes BBFlatBezelPrefs class BBFlatBezelPrefs description Flat Bezel interface preferences icon name Flat Bezel nibBundle pizza.unlimited.Flat-Bezel nibName BBFlatBezelPrefs type hidden QSRequirements minHostVersion 4039